Get Involved

We depend on the support of our community to empower us, facilitating our growth while maintaining a high quality of care. Community support includes financial donations, partnerships with local organizations, enthusiastic volunteers, and ongoing support from the Region of Waterloo.

Community Service Organizations

Partnering with community service organizations allows us to tap into the network of support systems already established within the community. Partnering with community organizations provides the opportunity for our clients to access personalized counselling and addiction support, continuing education, infant and child development programming, and healthcare.

Corporate Partnerships

Collaborating with businesses and corporations provides opportunities for financial support, in-kind donations, volunteer engagement, and employee involvement initiatives. Corporate partnerships not only contribute to Marillac Place's sustainability but also raise awareness about homelessness and social issues within the corporate sector, fostering a culture of corporate social responsibility.

Private Donors and Foundations

Private donors and foundations play a pivotal role in providing financial support and stability to Marillac Place's operations. Their contributions enable us to continuously evaluate and enhance our programs and services and invest in long-term sustainability initiatives. The greatest impact to our organization is felt by consistent monthly donations, allowing us to plan and budget more effectively and explore new programs and services, knowing that Marillac Place has that recurring revenue. Additionally, partnerships with private donors and foundations foster innovation and experimentation, allowing us to pilot new approaches and scale successful interventions.

Fundraising Campaigns

Throughout the year we initiate various fundraising campaigns, such as our annual Baby Bottle, Thanksgiving, and Holiday Campaigns. These endeavors provide ways for community members to contribute, collecting funds and essential items for Marillac Place while also raising awareness about our mission.

Visit our Events and Campaigns page for more information on past, current, and future campaigns.


The Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “The essence of life is to serve others and do good.” Volunteers are critical to our operations at Marillac Place. Get your friends, colleagues, community group or sports team together or come on your own – there are plenty of ways to get involved at Marillac Place! “Studies have linked volunteerism to happiness, better physical health, and increased mental health.” Learn more about our volunteer program
Group of young volunteers

Have Questions? We are here to help.

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