Rewriting Stories


At Marillac Place, we provide extensive programming to not only help women heal, but to build relationships in the community and encourage hope for the future.

“I decided to come to Marillac Place so I could have a better beginning for myself and my baby. When I arrived, I didn’t know anyone, so I was very nervous. The staff were kind and helpful; they talked to me and helped me feel more comfortable and welcome …

“After three months at Marillac Place, I delivered my baby girl. As much as I knew and learned, I was still scared, and the staff supported me with things like cues and provided me with many community resources. I was grateful to live with other women as they supported me and it was like living with friends. Marillac Place provided me with the chance to be a parent and helped me get back into school. I would recommend giving Marillac Place a chance. It was a life changing experience for me and helped by giving me the tools to be more successful in my life. I can’t wait to move out independently with my daughter and plan on keeping in touch with the staff so they can see her grow.”

- Former Marillac Place Resident
exhausted mother holding baby


Changing your story is difficult, but possible with the support we offer at Marillac Place. Whether your journey begins while pregnant or already parenting, we can help you work toward taking care of yourself and your little one.

“Marillac Place was recommended to me by my mental health worker and I was court ordered to come to Marillac Place for 21 days. I chose to stay longer because living here has helped me make positive changes in my life. …”

“When I first arrived at Marillac Place, I was anxious and upset as I was away from family and friends. It was different for me; there are household responsibilities, curfew, and expectations. Marillac Place provided me with resources and programming to best meet my needs and has helped me stay clean, healthy, and gain weight to ensure a healthy pregnancy. I would let other women know that it is not easy and be prepared for expectations such as household responsibilities. I am planning for a healthy pregnancy now and delivering and parenting my baby one day at a time.”

Former Marillac Place Resident
Woman holding out her hand and sharing stories from former Marillac Residents


You are not alone. When you are trying to rebuild your life, belonging to a healthy community is essential. The community at Marillac Place includes the staff and volunteer team supporting you and other women rewriting their narratives beside you. 

“I began searching the internet for housing and support options and that’s when I learned about Marillac Place. When I arrived at the house, I was very nervous and scared, but the staff was very welcoming and helped me settle in. …”

“The staff at Marillac Place are awesome and came into my life at the perfect time. The women at Marillac Place were going through the same things in some ways and it was helpful being able to talk to people who knew what you were going through. While at Marillac Place I attended every program and utilized every resource available to me and eventually gave birth to a healthy baby girl. For any women thinking about or currently at Marillac Place I recommend taking part in all the programs and support offered. After my stay at Marillac Place I found independent housing for me and my daughter. I’ve graduated with a college diploma and work full time. I didn’t think it was possible, but I am simply enjoying life.”

Former Resident
New moms support group

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